The Catherine Polson Memorial Scholarship for Community Activism
The scholarship is open to Montrealers of Irish descent aged between 18-25, enrolled full-time in a post-secondary school (CEGEP, Trade School, University), and active in helping the Irish Community of our city. The applicant must be in good standing in their respective school.
What is required in the application:
- A short description (250 words or less) of your involvement in the Irish Community, and how your actions are helping improve those within said group.
- 1 letter of reference with contact information from someone who can testify to your community endeavors.
- The most recent school transcript.
- A description of Irish background.
Applications will be accepted each year, with the recipient being announced at the UIS’ General Meeting in September. The recipient will be awarded a $1,500 scholarship, as well as a 1-year membership to the UIS. Attendance at subsequent general meetings is not required but would be appreciated.
Application Process:
Applications are available for download and the timeframe for applying is August 20th – Sept 15th at 6PM.
Candidates meeting all requirements (as outlined on the application) will have their applications forwarded to the Selection Committee and selected no later than September 15th and the winner will be announced. The winner will be presented with their cheque on Sept 29th at the United Irish Societies’ General Meeting.
Applications can be emailed to:
Selection Process:
- A panel of three (3) members comprising of people from Montreal’s Irish Community will be chosen to decide which of the applicants best represents the values, commitment, and determination of our people, and who shows a concentrated effort to continue to promote our culture.
- The decision will be made no later than September 15th, and the announcement will be made at the UIS’ General Meeting on October 23rd, 2024.
- The winner will receive a cheque for $1,500, as well as a one (1) year membership to the UIS.
- The Selection Committee’s decision is final.
- The person chosen cannot run in subsequent years. Those not chosen may reapply in the following years.
The United Irish Societies of Montreal has organized a contest to select a Queen and Court for the annual parade since 1956. Originally it was called the Queen’s Pageant and was held at the Sailor’s Club in Old Montreal. Today the Selection Evening is a public speaking event offering an opportunity for women 18 – 25 years of age to explore their Irish roots and their community and network with the who’s who of Montreal.
For event information – please go to
Get your tickets for the event at – Tickets
If you like to participate in the event as a contestant – you can fill out this electronic application form or please reach out to Elizabeth Quinn ( – 514-894-5087) or Colleen Murphy ( – 514-885-7365) by email or phone and they can answer any questions you might have.
Click Here to Purchase TicketsDepuis 1956, les Sociétés irlandaises unies de Montréal organisent un concours pour choisir une reine et une cour pour le défilé annuel. À l’origine, il s’appelait le Queen’s Pageant et avait lieu au Sailor’s Club dans le Vieux-Montréal. Aujourd’hui, la soirée de sélection est un événement d’art oratoire qui offre aux femmes de 18 à 25 ans l’occasion d’explorer leurs racines irlandaises et leur communauté et de réseauter avec le gratin de Montréal.
Pour plus d’informations sur l’événement, veuillez consulter
Achetez vos billets pour l’événement ICI
Si vous souhaitez participer à l’événement en tant que participant, vous pouvez remplir ce formulaire d’inscription électronique ou communiquer avec Elizabeth Quinn ( – 514-894-5087) ou Colleen Murphy ( – 514-885-7365) par courriel ou par téléphone et elles pourront répondre à toutes vos questions.
Click Here to Purchase TicketsHere are the Award winners for the 2024 Montreal St-Patrick’s Parade – Congratulations to ALL !
TROPHY, BEST OF | TROPHÉE, MEILLEUR DE | Name of Group | Nom du groupe |
SIMON MCDONAUGH (Grand Prize/Grand prix) | Les Titans de Québec |
OUT OF TOWN | HORS DE LA VILLE + | Les Titans de Québec |
MILITARY | MILITAIRE | The Black Watch (RHR) of Canada Pipes & Drums |
BAND | ORCHESTRE | Ottawa Caledonian Pipes & Drums |
COMMERCIAL | CN – Canadian National Railway Company |
MARCHING | MARCHE | Black Watch Association Pipe & Drums |
AMATEUR | Lester B. Pearson School Board |
MEDIA | Virgin Radio |
YOUTH | JEUNESSE | École Socrates-Démosthène |
Voici les gagnants des prix pour le défilé de la St-Patrick de Montréal 2024 – Félicitations à TOUS !
TROPHY, BEST OF | TROPHÉE, MEILLEUR DE | Name of Group | Nom du groupe |
SIMON MCDONAUGH (Grand Prize/Grand prix) | Les Titans de Québec |
OUT OF TOWN | HORS DE LA VILLE + | Les Titans de Québec |
MILITARY | MILITAIRE | The Black Watch (RHR) of Canada Pipes & Drums |
BAND | ORCHESTRE | Ottawa Caledonian Pipes & Drums |
COMMERCIAL | CN – Canadian National Railway Company |
MARCHING | MARCHE | Black Watch Association Pipe & Drums |
AMATEUR | Lester B. Pearson School Board |
MEDIA | Virgin Radio |
YOUTH | JEUNESSE | École Socrates-Démosthène |
Le samedi 3 février 2024, nous avons organisé notre soirée annuelle de sélection de la reine et couronné la reine et la cour de 2024 ! Ce merveilleux groupe de femmes représentera la communauté irlandaise au cours de cette saison irlandaise, et nous avons beaucoup de chance de les avoir.
Toutes les participantes au concours d’art oratoire d’hier soir ont fait des merveilles – les juges ont eu une tâche très difficile lorsqu’ils ont sélectionné les 5 dernières.
Encore une fois, toutes nos félicitations !
Reine Chloe Miller
Princesse Julia Rochford
Princesse Madison Lalonde
Princesse Mia Simard
Princesse Shaeleigh Rose Spracklin
Crédits photos à Peter McCabe.
Click Here to Purchase Tickets
On Saturday Feb 3rd, 2024, we held our annual Queen Selection Evening and crowned the 2024 Queen & Court! This wonderful group of women will represent the Irish community during this Irish season, and we are so lucky to have them.
All contestants in last night’s public speaking contest did wonderfully – the judges had a very difficult task when selecting the final 5.
Congratulations once again!
Queen Chloe Miller
Princess Julia Rochford
Princess Madison Lalonde
Princess Mia Simard
Princess Shaeleigh Rose Spracklin
Photo credits to Peter McCabe.
Click Here to Purchase TicketsLe samedi 3 février, nous avons organisé notre soirée annuelle de sélection de la reine et couronné la reine et la cour de 2024 ! Ce merveilleux groupe de femmes représentera la communauté irlandaise au cours de cette saison irlandaise, et nous sommes si chanceux de les avoir.
Toutes les participantes au concours d’art oratoire d’hier soir ont fait des merveilles – les juges ont eu une tâche très difficile lorsqu’ils ont sélectionné les 5 dernières.
Encore une fois, toutes nos félicitations !
Reine Chloe Miller
Princesse Julia Rochford
Princesse Madison Lalonde
Princesse Mia Simard
Princesse Shaeleigh Rose Spracklin
Crédits photos à Peter McCabe.
Click Here to Purchase TicketsFor event information – please go to
Get your tickets for the event at –
If you like to participate in the event as a contestant – you can fill out this electronic application form or please reach out to Elizabeth Quinn ( – 514-894-5087) or Colleen Murphy ( – 514-885-7365) by email or phone and they can answer any questions you might have.
Click Here to Purchase Tickets
View our: Privacy Policy
Organizers of the St. Patrick’s Parade
PO BOX 97544
Verdun, QC, H4G 3M6
Organisateurs du Défilé
de la Saint-Patrick
Boîte postale 97544
Verdun QC, H4G 3M6
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