Lauren Tracey stands as a passionate guardian of Irish heritage as the Vice President of Advertising & Public Relations for the United Irish Societies (UIS). With a legacy stretching back to 1928, the organization is preparing to celebrate an extraordinary milestone—the 200th edition of the Montreal St. Patrick’s Parade—while embodying a powerful mission of community, multiculturalism, and celebration. Tracey, who first became involved after being selected as a parade princess in 2018, now leads an all-volunteer organization that participates in the parade’s organization bringing Montrealers together, promoting cultural understanding, and supporting the community through initiatives like their annual Christmas Baskets campaign.
Born in Griffintown, the sixth of twelve children to Muriel and Daniel Doyle, Danny traces his Irish ancestry back to his forebearers James Doyle and Mary Coffey who settled in Griffintown in the early 1900s. Danny spent his formative years in Griffintown before moving to Pointe St. Charles, where he met and married Cathy Ross. Together, they later made their home in Verdun, where they raised their three sons, Danny Jr., Shawn, and Brandon. After retiring from CN after 46 years of dedicated service, Danny and Cathy now treasure every moment spent with their growing family as proud grandparents to Emma, Quinn, Danny, and Penelope.
The St. Patrick’s Parade has always held a special place in Danny’s life, celebrating his Irish heritage as a participant in St. Ann’s Parish marching unit, volunteering as a Deputy Marshal, and eventually leading the Parade as President of the United Irish Societies of Montreal (UIS) in 2016 and 2017. He was bestowed the honour of Chief Reviewing Officer in 2012.
Throughout his life, Danny has served his community with dedication and passion. He currently leads the Erin Sports Association as its President. His influence extends further as a Member of the Montreal Irish Monument Park Foundation, a role through which he actively contributes to preserving Irish heritage.
His volunteer efforts include supporting Sister Diana’s food bank at St. Gabriel’s Parish, serving on the UIS executive committee overseeing nominations and sitting on the Past Presidents Advisory committee. He is a long-time member of the Knights of Columbus. He also served as the treasurer for the Pointe St. Charles Hall of Recognition, among numerous other contributions, including as volunteer football coach with the Verdun Minor Football Association, and a member of St. Gabriel’s Parish’s Gary Clahane Memorial Golf Tournament organizing committee, among other charitable endeavors.
Danny is regarded as a pillar of the Irish community, and many would call him an icon. His deep-rooted dedication to service and leadership has not gone unnoticed, and it is with great pride that he has been named the Grand Marshal of the 200th Montreal St. Patrick’s Parade—a fitting recognition for his lasting contributions.
Click Here to Purchase TicketsBernice Djaballah is 20 years old and a passionate storyteller. Tracing her lineage to Portlaoise, County Laois, she was inspired to visit Ireland in 2021, where she felt inspired to connect more deeply with her Irish heritage.
Bernice is currently pursuing a double major in Irish Studies and History at Concordia. As a historian, she’s drawn to stories of hidden both real and mythological Irish women. Last fall, she conducted an oral research project, including research on youth and married women in the 20th-century diaspora, titled “What Does Peace Sound Like: Girlhood, Rigidity, and Music in Post-War Toronto,” published in the 2024 Historiae journal. She is also an avid adventurer and solo traveler. This summer, she traveled to Continental Europe for a field study on sites of violence and memory. Her final project centered on physical sites of commemoration and mourning in Poland.
During her spare time, Bernice volunteers as a way to give back to her community. Over the years, she has volunteered at food banks in Verdun and participated in fundraising efforts, including helping at the raffle at the 2024 Saint Patrick’s Society luncheon. She previously tutored French and English as a second language at the Westmount Library since 2019, she now mentors first-year Concordians with a focus on those from rural areas.
Bernice has been singing all her life and is currently a member of the Siamsa Singers Choir. As an Irish language beginner, she enjoys connecting with Ireland’s musical legacy, uncovering folk songs and bringing them into the present.
Bernice Djaballah a 20 ans et est une conteuse passionnée. Originaire de Portlaoise, dans le comté de Laois, elle a eu l’idée de visiter l’Irlande en 2021, où elle s’est sentie inspirée à se rapprocher davantage de son héritage irlandais.
Bernice poursuit actuellement une double majeure en études irlandaises et en histoire à Concordia. En tant qu’historienne, elle est attirée par les histoires de femmes irlandaises cachées, qu’elles soient réelles ou mythologiques. L’automne dernier, elle a mené un projet de recherche orale sur les jeunes et les femmes mariées de la diaspora du XXe siècle, intitulé « What Does Peace Sound Like : Girlhood, Rigidity, and Music in Post-War Toronto », publié dans la revue 2024 Historiae. Elle est également une aventurière passionnée et une voyageuse en solo. Cet été, elle s’est rendue en Europe continentale pour une étude de terrain sur les sites de violence et de mémoire. Son projet final portait sur les sites physiques de commémoration et de deuil en Pologne.
Pendant son temps libre, Bernice fait du bénévolat pour rendre service à sa communauté. Au fil des ans, elle a fait du bénévolat dans des banques alimentaires à Verdun et a participé à des collectes de fonds, notamment en aidant à la tombola lors du déjeuner de la 2024 Saint Patrick’s Society. Elle a été tutrice de français et d’anglais langue seconde à la bibliothèque de Westmount. Depuis 2019, elle est maintenant mentor pour les Concordiens de première année, en particulier ceux qui viennent de régions rurales.
Bernice a chanté toute sa vie et est actuellement membre de la chorale Siamsa Singers. En tant que débutante en langue irlandaise, elle aime se connecter avec la musique irlandaise.
Click Here to Purchase TicketsMadison is 23 years of age whose Irish ancestry hails from the maternal side of her family. Her ancestors originated from both County Galway and Belfast. She recently completed a Bachelors Degree at Concordia University, earning a double Major in Political Science and in Community, Public Affairs and Policy Studies. She plans to return to school to do a Masters in Public Policy, or go to Law School.
Madison is presently the Special Assistant in Parliamentary and Constituency Affairs for the Member of Parliament of NDG-Westmount. This role grants her the opportunity to explore her passion of creating a better society for all, and giving back to the community she was born and raised in.
Madison currently serves on the Youth Council for Minister Marc Miller, which empowers youth across Montreal. She is also the Vice-President of the Young Liberals of Canada, which, alongside her 13 years of political volunteer experience, allows her to give back to her community and affect change across Canada. She has always been engaged in various leadership positions in her educational institutions, such as a youth representative on various committees, clubs, and boards on the local, national, and international levels. She received the entrance award of the Director General’s scholarship in Leadership to study at Marianopolis College, and the Vince Sirois Award from Concordia University’s School of Community and Public Affairs as a rising community leader.
Madison est âgée de 23 ans et son ascendance irlandaise provient du côté maternel de sa famille. Ses ancêtres sont originaires du comté de Galway et de Belfast. Elle a récemment obtenu son diplôme à l’université Concordia, avec une double spécialisation en sciences politiques et en études communautaires, affaires publiques et politiques. Elle envisage de retourner à l’école pour faire une maitrise en politique publique ou d’aller à la faculté de droit.
Madison est actuellement l’assistante spéciale aux affaires parlementaires et de circonscription du député de NDG-Westmount. Ce rôle lui permet d’explorer sa passion pour la création d’une société meilleure pour tous, et de rendre à la communauté dans laquelle elle est née et a grandi.
Madison siège actuellement au Conseil des jeunes du ministre Marc Miller, qui aide les jeunes de Montréal à se prendre en charge. Elle est également vice-présidente des Jeunes libéraux du Canada, ce qui, avec ses 13 années d’expérience en bénévolat politique, lui permet de rendre à sa communauté ce qu’elle lui a donné et d’influer sur le changement à travers le Canada. Elle a toujours occupé divers postes de direction dans ses établissements d’enseignement, notamment en tant que représentante des jeunes au sein de divers comités, clubs et conseils d’administration aux niveaux local, national et international. Elle a reçu la bourse d’entrée du directeur général en leadership pour étudier au Collège Marianopolis, et le prix Vince Sirois de l’École des affaires publiques et communautaires de l’Université Concordia en tant que leader communautaire prometteur.
Click Here to Purchase TicketsAlexia Eryn Brausewetter- Day is 21 years old. Her Irish ancestry comes from her maternal side, from county Mayo. She is in her second year of Political Science at Concordia University. After her undergrad, she hopes to complete my masters in Europe.
She has danced for many years with the Bernadette Short School of Irish Dance, competing at the National and International level, but is most proud of having danced in countless seniors’ homes and hospitals throughout Montreal.
She is a competitive horseback rider, competing on the National circuit with her two horses. With one of them having been a former racehorse, in which she has taken the last 5 years to retrain him in the showjumping world. Although they are not elites of the industries, they are her most prized possessions and she prides herself on her achievements with them.
She was 3 times awarded by Assemblée National du Quebec for over 300 hours of community service. In her free time, she greatly enjoys playing golf, soccer, tennis, volleyball, ringette, skiing, both cross country and downhill. As well with all of this, she balances her part-time job as a bartender at the Hilton Embassy Suites.
Alexia Eryn Brausewetter- Day a 21 ans. Son ascendance irlandaise vient de son côté maternel, du comté de Mayo. Elle est en deuxième année de sciences politiques à l’université Concordia. Après son diplôme, elle espère obtenir une maîtrise en Europe.
Elle a dansé pendant de nombreuses années avec la Bernadette Short School of Irish Dance, participant à des compétitions nationales et internationales, mais elle est surtout fière d’avoir dansé dans d’innombrables maisons de retraite et hôpitaux de Montréal.
Elle est cavalière de compétition, participant au circuit national avec ses deux chevaux. L’un d’eux était un ancien cheval de course, et elle a pris les cinq dernières années pour le réentraîner dans le monde du saut d’obstacles. Bien qu’ils ne soient pas des élites de l’industrie, ils sont ses biens les plus précieux et elle est fière de ce qu’elle a accompli avec eux.
Elle a été récompensée à trois reprises par l’Assemblée nationale du Québec pour plus de 300 heures de service communautaire. Dans ses temps libres, elle aime beaucoup jouer au golf, au soccer, au tennis, au volley-ball, à la ringuette et faire du ski de fond et du ski alpin. Parallèlement à tout cela, elle concilie son emploi à temps partiel de barmaid au Hilton Embassy Suites.
Click Here to Purchase TicketsKasey Lamer is 25 years of age. Her third great-grandparents, of the families O’Kane and Lenahan, arrived in Montreal from Ireland in 1846 and 1842 respectively. They installed themselves on lands in Chambly and St-Jean-sur-Richelieu. Near the end of the century, Kasey’s family moved to Saint-Henri where her great-granduncle, Wildred O’Kane, became the Catholic Parish priest of St-Thomas Aquinas church. Her paternal grandfather, Fred Lamer, would grow up in the parish with his mother, Amy Agnes O’Kane, and his Canadian father, Ernest Lamer.
Recently a graduate of Dawson College in 3D Animation and CGI, Kasey is now pursuing a Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing and a minor in Irish Studies at Concordia University. She also holds a DEC in A.L.C. Literature from Dawson College which she obtained to help her in the writing of her novel.
In her free time, Kasey works at Montreal Comic Con as a Volunteer for Celebrity Guest Security. She loves to read, write and illustrate. She’s also recently become a part of the New Brunswick organization Fresh Start Farms, working on tackling food insecurity issues in low-income communities across Canada through automation assisted vertical community greenhouses.
Kasey Lamer est âgée de 25 ans. Ses trois arrière-grands-parents, des familles O’Kane et Lenahan, sont arrivés à Montréal en provenance d’Irlande en 1846 et 1842 respectivement. Ils se sont installés sur des terres à Chambly et à St-Jean-sur-Richelieu. Vers la fin du siècle, la famille de Kasey déménage à Saint-Henri où son arrière-grand-oncle, Wildred O’Kane, devient le curé catholique de l’église St-Thomas d’Aquin. Son grand-père paternel, Fred Lamer, a grandi dans la paroisse avec sa mère, Amy Agnes O’Kane, et son père canadien, Ernest Lamer.
Récemment diplômée du Collège Dawson en 3D Animation and CGI, Kasey poursuit actuellement un baccalauréat en marketing et une mineure en études irlandaises à l’Université Concordia. Elle est également titulaire d’un DEC en littérature A.L.C. du Collège Dawson, qu’elle a obtenu pour l’aider dans l’écriture de son roman.
Dans ses temps libres, Kasey travaille au Comic Con de Montréal en tant que bénévole pour la sécurité des invités célèbres. Elle adore lire, écrire et illustrer. Elle s’est récemment jointe à l’organisation Fresh Start Farms du Nouveau-Brunswick, qui s’attaque aux problèmes d’insécurité alimentaire dans les communautés à faible revenu à travers le Canada grâce à des serres communautaires verticales assistées par ordinateur.
Click Here to Purchase TicketsAmanda Keating is 19 years old whose Irish heritage is deep-rooted on her paternal side, with family traced back to Counties Cork, Clare, Tipperary and Wexford. She graduated high school from Collège de Montreal in a program focused on volunteer work and understanding the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals. Through this program, she was able to volunteer with organizations like Leucan, Santropol Roulant and Les Amis de la Montagne. She also worked on Christmas baskets and was in the school’s gardening club and yearbook club. She continued her studies at Dawson College in the Child Studies program and completed a certificate in Women and Gender Studies in 2024. Amanda has just begun a bachelor of arts in psychology at Concordia University, she wishes to continue her studies with a Master’s degree in Counselling Psychology, School Psychology or Social Work. She wants to work to support, understand and guide the children and teenagers of the next generation, something that she realized when she became a lifeguard at Sandysun campground. She has worked as a lifeguard for the past 5 years and has recently started a job as coordinator for the CALAC swim club in LaSalle. She enjoys giving back to this organization as it helped her realize her love for the sport and the calming presence of water. Amanda receives the most gratification from helping those around her and tries to create a sense of community everywhere she goes.
Amanda Keating est âgée de 19 ans et son héritage irlandais est profondément enraciné du côté paternel, sa famille remontant aux comtés de Cork, Clare, Tipperary et Wexford. Elle a obtenu son diplôme d’études secondaires au Collège de Montréal dans le cadre d’un programme axé sur le bénévolat et la compréhension des 17 objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies. Grâce à ce programme, elle a pu faire du bénévolat auprès d’organismes tels que Leucan, Santropol Roulant et Les Amis de la Montagne. Elle a également travaillé à la confection de paniers de Noël et a fait partie du club de jardinage et du club de l’annuaire de l’école. Elle a poursuivi ses études au Collège Dawson dans le programme d’études de l’enfant et a obtenu un certificat en Women and Gender Studies en 2024. Amanda vient de commencer un baccalauréat des arts en psychologie à l’Université Concordia. Elle souhaite poursuivre ses études avec une maîtrise en psychologie du counselling, en psychologie scolaire ou en travail social. Elle veut travailler pour soutenir, comprendre et guider les enfants et les adolescents de la prochaine génération, ce dont elle s’est rendu compte lorsqu’elle est devenue sauveteuse au camping Sandysun. Elle a travaillé comme sauveteur pendant les cinq dernières années et a récemment commencé à travailler comme coordinatrice pour le club de natation CALAC à LaSalle. Elle aime rendre service à cette organisation qui l’a aidée à réaliser son amour pour le sport et la présence apaisante de l’eau. Amanda tire sa plus grande satisfaction de l’aide qu’elle apporte aux personnes qui l’entourent et s’efforce de créer un sentiment de communauté partout où elle va.
Click Here to Purchase TicketsGeorge and Susan Mooney are devoted community volunteers with a deep commitment to helping others. George, after retiring from the Verdun Fire Department with over 30 years of service, continued to support his community by serving meals through the Salvation Army Food Truck, delivering Meals on Wheels, and volunteering at the Breakfast Club at Verdun Elementary from 2010 until the pandemic in 2020. He also led the Manna Verdun Food Bank as President from 2010 to 2020, personally delivering food to those in need. George’s service extended to being a Community Celebrator at the Verdun Mission from 2013 to 2015, and in 2024, he resumed his Meals on Wheels work in LaSalle.
Susan’s volunteerism was similarly impacted by COVID, but from 2016 to 2020, she faithfully supported Manna Verdun, the Breakfast Club at Verdun Elementary, and the Mini Market at Verdun Mission. Following Manna’s integration into Dawson Community Center, she continued volunteering at the Dawson Food Bank until its closure in 2022. Susan also served as a Community Celebrator at the Verdun Mission and, in 2024, began volunteering at both Meals on Wheels LaSalle and Saint Willibrord Food Bank.
Together, George and Susan are partners not only in life but also in their shared dedication to serving the less fortunate in their community, quietly and humbly making a difference without seeking recognition, much like Simon McDonaugh.
The United Irish Societies is pleased to name George O’Reilly and Susan Mooney as this year’s Simon McDonaugh Humanitarian Award winners.
The United Irish Societies lost a dear and valued member in 1992, when Simon McDonaugh passed away. An award was established in 1993 for the community to remember Mr. McDonaugh’s dedication to his heritage and to the humanitarian acts performed during his life. Mr. McDonaugh’s association with the United Irish Societies and the St. Patrick’s Day Parade were longstanding: from 1940 to 1979 he served the organization and the annual parade as its Chief Deputy Marshal. During those years, he was an inspiration to the marshals and society members due to the successful execution of the parades. For many years, he and his colleagues were
responsible for building the reviewing stands for dignitaries to review the parades. In later years, Mr. McDonaugh was presented with a Gold Card Membership in recognition of a lifetime of loyal and faithful service to the United Irish Societies and to the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The memory of Mr. McDonaugh’s humanitarian lifestyle lives on through this award.
Click Here to Purchase TicketsWhen former United Irish Societies (UIS) Historian Don Pidgeon retired, Kenneth Quinn stepped into the role with a passion and dedication that has made him an invaluable asset to the organization. Serving as UIS Historian for many years, Ken has taken on this responsibility with the utmost seriousness and has truly elevated the role. His commitment to promoting Montreal’s Irish history is unmatched, consistently seeking out information and writing engaging articles that enrich the knowledge of our members. Ken’s work extends beyond UIS, as he also contributes to various publications, ensuring that Irish history and heritage are celebrated and preserved for future generations.
Ken’s deep pride in his Irish heritage is evident in everything he does, much like Liam Daly, another staunch advocate of Irish culture. Ken’s ability to highlight important moments and figures in Montreal’s Irish history reflects his devotion to keeping the spirit of Irish heritage alive. His efforts go beyond research; they inspire others to explore and take pride in their own Irish roots, making him a true ambassador for our shared history.
His legacy as UIS Historian is not just in the wealth of knowledge he brings to the role, but in the way he connects our past to our present, fostering a greater understanding and appreciation of Irish culture within our community. Ken was also the 2024 Erin Sports Association’s Irishman of the Year, a truly deserved title for someone so involved in the Irish community of Montreal.
It is with tremendous pleasure that we name Kenneth Quinn as the 2025 Liam Daly Heritage Award winner.
A native son of Dublin, Ireland, Liam Daly, was proud of his Irish heritage. From the first day he arrived, through his talent, love and devotion, Liam volunteered his time to the continual presence of the Arts and the Irish Cultural in the City of Montreal Liam is missed by the Irish Community. As a tribute to him, the United Irish Societies of Montreal has
created the Liam Daly Heritage Award which will be awarded to a worthy candidate who exemplifies Liam’s love of his heritage and promotes the Irish heritage through the arts.
Click Here to Purchase TicketsMichel Gibson, a long-serving public official, has been re-elected as Mayor of Kirkland three times, demonstrating his enduring commitment to the community. His involvement in Kirkland’s City Council dates back to the 1990s, and over the decades, he has worked tirelessly to improve the city. Among his notable accomplishments is the establishment of mixed residential areas designed to provide housing options for seniors looking to downsize, as well as the modernization of Kirkland’s infrastructure to be more inclusive and intergenerational, ensuring that all residents can thrive. Michel was also awarded in 2012 the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his remarkable contributions and achievements to Canada.
In addition to his civic achievements, Mayor Gibson takes great pride in his Celtic heritage. For many years, he has been a steadfast supporter of the United Irish Societies (UIS), actively engaging with the organization and its activities. Each year, he hosts a special afternoon of Irish celebration, bringing together the UIS, Kirkland’s first citizens, and the community to honour the upcoming St. Patrick’s Parade. This festive event includes dignitaries from the UIS, the Queen and her Court, and
other special guests. Mayor Gibson graciously provides a beautifully arranged buffet, entertainment, and thoughtful gifts for the Queen and Court, fostering a sense of unity and celebration.
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Organizers of the St. Patrick’s Parade
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Verdun, QC, H4G 3M6
Organisateurs du Défilé
de la Saint-Patrick
Boîte postale 97544
Verdun QC, H4G 3M6
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