The UIS Scholarship is open to Montrealers of Irish descent aged between 18-25, enrolled full-time in a post-secondary school (CEGEP, Trade School, University), and active in helping the Irish Community of our city. The applicant must be in good standing in their respective school.
What is required in the application:
- A short description (250 words or less) of your involvement in the Irish Community, and how your actions are helping improve those within said group.
- 1 letter of reference with contact information from someone who can testify to your community endeavors.
- The most recent school transcript.
- A description of Irish background.
Applications will be accepted each year, with the recipient being announced at the UIS’ General Meeting in September. The recipient will be awarded a $1000 scholarship, as well as a 1-year membership to the UIS. Attendance at subsequent general meetings is not required but would be appreciated.
Application Process:
Applications are available for download and the timeframe for applying is August 15th – August 30th at 6PM.
Candidates meeting all requirements (as outlined on the application) will have their applications forwarded to the Selection Committee and selected no later than September 15th and the winner will be announced. The winner will be presented with their cheque on October 23rd at the General Meeting of the United Irish Societies of Montreal.
Applications can be emailed to:
Selection Process:
- A panel of three (3) members comprising of people from Montreal’s Irish Community will be chosen to decide which of the applicants best represents the values, commitment, and determination of our people, and who shows a concentrated effort to continue to promote our culture.
- The decision will be made no later than September 15th, and the announcement will be made at the UIS’ General Meeting on October 23rd, 2022.
- The winner will receive a cheque for $1000, as well as a one (1) year membership to the UIS.
- The Selection Committee’s decision is final.
- The person chosen cannot run in subsequent years. Those not chosen may reapply in the following years.